Irene Gregoriou - EYE Success Story

Profile of the entrepreneur: Irene Gregoriou

Irene Gregoriou participated in the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” program for four months. She worked in a culture organization in areas such as digital marketing, curation and coordination of culture events, social media content creation, and writing applications for projects for culture and community development.  Irene was looking for a culture organization where she could understand how it operates, how it applies its marketing and finance strategy and what strategies it follows to integrate the content of its initiatives with the benefit of the community.

Profile of the Host entrepreneur: Hampus Lindblad

Hampus Lindblad is the co-founder of Blivande, a community and social enterprise for participatory culture. He is a community and project manager of the organisation, managing and all the spaces and services of the organisation. He is one of the managers of the projects that are developed within the organisation and also the manager of the co-working space, makerspace and event venue of the organisation. He was looking for a young individual who could bring fresh ideas into the culture program and assist in fundamental areas of the organisation such as administration, marketing and finances.

Activities undertaken

The New Entrepreneur supported the curating, organisation and coordination of a cultural events. Worked on content creation and graphic design of posters that were used in social media. She assisted in writing applications for future projects of the organisation. The host entrepreneur mentor the Young Entrepreneur in her development of content creation and curation of the culture program. He also provided her with the appropriate knowledge regarding the marketing and finance strategies of the organisation. The host Entrepreneur introduced the Young Entrepreneur to a broad network of like-minded individuals and organisations.


Benefits achieved

The organisation’s public image in social media improved significantly as the followers of the social media channels increased to 20%. The organisation benefited from the Young Entrepreneur as she contributed significantly to the curation and organisation of the culture program, covering the gaps of the limited staff and taking over main responsibilities before and during major events. As a result, the culture program of the summer season was embraced by the people of the community and received very positive feedback from the guests. The Young entrepreneur learned to use efficient digital platforms for the co-budget and co-finance of the community organisation. The Young Entrepreneur also made new contacts with people from the organisation’s members and external partners. She joined the New European Bauhaus movement of Stockholm and the European Creative Hubs Network, where she made contacts with other project managers of social enterprises and creative organisations in Europe.